Tuesday, February 2, 2016

2016 Resolutions

I am a month late on posting my resolutions for the new year, but each of these goals are very important to me. I will post about them periodically, and with any luck maybe I will actually meet all of them by the end of 2016....

2016 resolutions:

1. Eat cleaner and focus on the health of me and my family (since this summer, Matt and I have lost over 90 lbs combined- hoping to keep it up)

2. Be more active, and get active as a family. Make time for it even on busy days.

3. Commit to more date nights with my husband- we only had two last year and both want to make it more of a priority this year. We have a great marriage but it is time to strengthen it even more.

4. Finish all of the un-finished projects around the house.

5. Waste less food

6. Keep my house more clean and organized. I failed miserably at that last year, and thought it was hard with a newborn- now I have a toddler who lives to make a mess- so this should get interesting.

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