Saturday, January 16, 2016

Easy DIY Baby Wipes

Diapers are expensive, wipes are expensive, babies are expensive! 

I started venturing into DIY cloth wipes when baby PB had a nasty diaper rash. I figured homemade wipes may be more gentle than the store bought sensitive wipes.  I've been making them ever since because they are so cheap and easy, and most importantly easy on PB’s skin.

It is important to boil tap water or use distilled water to prevent molding.  I advise using boiled tap water because you will need to warm up the distilled water anyway to mix the ingredients- and it costs much less.

4 cups of boiled water
1 tbs of coconut oil
1 tsp of baby wash
4 drops of tea tree oil
8 drops of lavender essential oil (optional but makes the wipes smell great)
1 roll of paper towels cut in half
2 storage containers (large left over formula tubs work great for this)

I mix everything with a whisk  while the boiled water is still warm. Cut the roll of paper towels in half using a sharp knife- this is honestly the hardest part of the entire process. I tend to leave the wrapping on the roll until it is cut in half to avoid contamination.    Once the roll is cut in half, place one half roll into each storage container and pour enough of the mixture into each container to saturate the paper towels. Once the paper towels have absorbed all of the liquid, you should easily be able to pull the paper towel roll out from the center of the wipes- this will also give you a good central location to pull out your wipes.  

I use Sam’s Club Members Mark paper towels because they are good quality, inexpensive and make durable wipes.  Depending on the type you use you may need to add more or less water to your recipe.

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