Saturday, January 16, 2016

DIY Patio Funiture Makeover

Last spring I decided to add a little bit of color to my boring deck.  I had been itching to buy new patio furniture,  but did not want to spend hundreds of dollars on a set.   I found a tall wrought iron bistro set on a local buy sell trade site for $50 and with a little bit of spray paint and a new patio umbrella, it gave my deck just the splash of color I was looking for. The entire project only took a few hours and cost $110. One of these days I would love to customize some cushions for the chairs- but that will have to wait for another day.   

This spring I have big plans to FINALLY finish repainting and staining the deck to make the old worn wood look like new again.  This has been a project that has been on my to-do list for the last two years, so once the spring weather arrives I have to make it happen! 

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